
Looping video


Vídeo em loop

É no descanso que a aproximação acontece, 2022

It is during rest that approximation occurs, 2022

Looping video; Mixed technique

Commissioned work for the 1st Video Dance Exhibition of Sesc Sorocaba, curated by Isis Gasparini

Pular corda como quem voa, 2021

Jump roped like someone flies, 2021

Looping video; Mixed technique

Desejo que as montanhas me ensinem a descansar, 2020

I wish for the mountains to teach me to rest, 2020

Looping video; Mixed technique

Descanso na rede/ Presente de minha mãe, 2020

Rest in the hammock/ Gift from my mother, 2020

Looping video; Mixed technique